OpenPlant Modeler Help

Commit Changes

Commits changes to the design history. Increases the design history's revision number by one.

You can access this tool from the following:

  • Ribbon: Drawing > Utilities > Design History > Commit
Tip: You may want to customize the Commit Changes dialog to display a message — for example, a message about project, site, or company policy pertaining to design changes or ownership. To do this, compose the message in a text file and define the configuration variable MS_HISTORY_USERMESSAGE to point to the file.

Text box Area in which you can type a description of the changes made in the revision. This is not a searchable field.
OK Accepts the committed changes and increases the revision number by one.

Cancel Stops the changes from being committed and deletes the description.
Key-in: HISTORY MANAGE SET DESCRIPTION [ tag_name ] [ description ]
Note: HISTORY MANAGE SET DESCRIPTION <tag_name> <description> replaces the description of the specified version.